Getting back into the routine of school after break

Brianna Rinaldo Staff Writer

Doesn’t spring break always seem like it goes by too quickly? Well, that’s because it does. It can be very overwhelming coming back to school and being slammed with loads of work. Professors just seem to cram every exam and assignment from March to May. With the weather warming up, getting back into the groove of exams, papers and more is sometimes too much to handle.

The good news is that you’re almost to the finish line of the school year—scary, but true. Don’t let this “spring break haze” ruin the academic excellence that you’ve been working toward all year. Spring break is a marker point, showing that you’re almost there. It should not be the time when you give up and stop caring about school. Instead, it should be the time when you give yourself that extra push. It is imperative that you start off strong and motivated as soon as you get back to your routine.

Hit the books hard. The more you get accomplished, the better you will feel and the less you will have to do later. That said, do not forget the importance of taking time for you. Finding time to relax and focus on yourself can be more vital than doing all of this school work. Remember, school is not everything. Your health always comes first. Listed below are a few tips to aid you in your completion of this year:

1. Keep an organized calendar- Whether it is a Lily Pulitzer planner or a simple journal, have something where you can write all important due dates, social events, meetings, lunch/dinner dates, etc. This will keep you on track and ensure you do not forget about anything.

2. Exercise- A great escape from the stresses of college life. Make time each day, even if it is just for 30 minutes, to go to the gym or for a walk to clear your head and re-focus.

3. Sleep- This is so important! Pulling all-nighters can throw your whole body off. It is recommended to get about 6-8 hours of sleep each night. Your body will thank you!

4. Call home- Sometimes it can help to call your mom, dad, a sibling or even a friend back home to relax and think about other things than what is going on at school. Your parents actually have some really good advice if you are willing to listen. If you live at home, make sure to take the time to relax with your loved ones to get away from stress.

5. Focus on relaxation- This may sound silly, but it truly works. Lie down for 10-15 minutes each day and clear your mind. You will feel more energized, refreshed and ready to take on any task once this is done.

All in all, go ahead and kill this semester! Do not let all of your hard work go to waste because of this “spring break funk.” Prepare yourself, mentally, to get all of your work done in a fashioned manner and most importantly, take time for yourself. School is very important, but it is not your entire life. You cannot accomplish anything if you do not put yourself first before all things. So, make sure you are pushing to be the best version of yourself, and all else will fall in place, including finishing this semester on a strong note!