‘Twilight’ vies for immortality among other big contenders

The phenomenon that is “Twilight” has rocked the media and literature world since 2005, when Stephanie Meyer’s work was first published. Following Twilight were three more bestselling books and a movie deal for each, the final movie rendition being split into two parts. November 2012 will mark the end of the saga, with the release of “Breaking Dawn Part 2”. But is it really the end? Not if Jon Feltheimer, CEO of Lionsgate Entertainment, has anything to say about it. Recently his company bought Summit Entertainment, the powerhouse behind “Twilight,” for a reported $412.5 million, merging the two enormous independent film companies and creating a force to be reckoned with. With the “Hunger Games” franchise already under their belt, the new company has set up a comfortable postion for themselves in the media world. Embarking on this new venture, Fletheimer has expressed desires to continue the “Twilight Saga” beyond the finale of Meyer’s books.  In an interview with the LA Times Feltheimer commented, “It’s hard for me to imagine a movie that does $700 million-plus doesn’t have ongoing value. It’s an amazing franchise that they have done a great job of maintaining with absolutely no deterioration.” If for some reason more movie deals don’t work out, Lionsgate has a television unit, giving birth to the hope of a TV series. In regards to this, Feltheimer additionally commented, “I would certainly hope so.” It is uncertain if the stars of the saga, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner, will be on board with this potential endeavor. Nothing regarding this notion is concrete, only speculation and wishful thinking are fueling the twilight fire. That’s good enough, apparently, as fans worldwide are already gleefully anticipating good news.   While it is undeniable that the fan base for the movies, and books for that matter, have reached record breaking numbers and  that both outlets have provided mass amounts of revenue, there is also an equally immense force crying out against the franchise. For every member of Team Edward or Team Jacob there is equally passionate hater and critic. While the movies do earn substantial amounts of wealth, they are also labeled with the most harsh of reviews. Even the books have been under some forms of attack, ranging from accusations of a lack of skilled writing to a weak and susceptible heroine. News of continuing this supernatural love story has brought some cries of dismay and protest.  Interestingly enough, the Twilight saga is often compared to or placed in the same ranks as the Harry Potter series. While these two book series are vastly different, perhaps it is their magical theme that connects the two. Nevertheless, Twilight suffers harsh criticism when compared with J.K. Rowling’s famous books. Since the last Harry Potter movie was released in July 2011, the phenomenon has continued through magical websites, additional books and the opening of Harry Potter world at Universal Studios. Is Twilight vying for the same continued success that Harry Potter has received? Due to the worldwide recognition the latter has garnered, one would not be naive in thinking so. Iona College sophomore Raquel Bastow comments “I don’t think there is much more to the plot to make more movies; at this point they’re just milking whatever money they can get out of it.”  Whether Bella and Edward’s romance will continue to grace the screens is still up in the air but no matter what, the world, both lovers and haters alike, will all be patiently waiting to see if vampires really can live forever.