How to help the environment at Iona

Katherine Daly and Julia Fabrizio, Sta Writer and Features Editor

We often forget to take time to be conscious of the Earth while we are busy with everything else in our lives. As students there are many steps we can take, big and small, to help this planet we call home.

Being eco-friendly is not a new trendasit has been moving towards the forefront of society’s growing concerns about the world. The destruction of the ecosystem is caused by pollution, overexploitation and climate change. While this issue may seem larger than us, many of these factors stem from aspects of our everyday lives.

There are many changes you can implement into your daily routine to help make a difference in the environment. It is all about starting out small, and many resources at Iona College can help you with that.

“Recycling is one of the easiest things a student can do for the environment,” biology professor Dr. John LaMassasaid. “Rather than letting things go to waste, Iona has plenty of recyclable bins.”

Think about how much paper you use during the semester taking notes in class or from assignments and tests that professors have given you. On top of that, think of all the plastic food and drink containers you go through during the year. Recycling bins are located across campus, so find the closest one to you and make a regularly scheduled visit.

There are also several refillable water fountains around campus, which makes it easy for students with reusable water bottles to reduce their use of plastic bottles.

“I always have a refillable water bottle,” sophomore Faith Preziosisaid. “It makes things so easy, especially when you’re busy.”

It’s not unusual to see people with reusable cups and bottles on campus. You can also buy reusable dishes and silverware. Disposable paper or plastic plates, cups and utensils can be tempting, but they create a lot of waste.

As students we also waste a lot of energy. You may think that just because your Xbox is turned off or your computer is asleep that it isn’t using any energy. However, many appliances continue to use electricity even when they are turned off. A good tip is to unplug your electronics when they are not in use.

Sophomore Jack Ruscetta tries to stay conscious of the energy he is using while living at school.

“I always end up setting the thermostats a few degrees lower and the air conditioner a few degrees higher,” Ruscetta said.

IC Green is a student-run organization that strives to educate and increase awareness about environmental issues in Iona’s community. They are here to help students and faculty find easy ways to reducewastefulness.

You can even find earth-friendly aid in The Office of Mission & Ministry. They host regular volunteer opportunities to make our local community a greener place. Past trips have involved invasive species removal and trash pickup at local parks such as Sheldrake and the Bronx River Parkway.

Helping create a sustainable Earth should be important to each and every person on the planet. You can easily adapt your lifestyle so you no longer cause as much harm to the environment. In the end, it’s the little things that make the biggest difference!