Student Spotlight


Ravyne chose her major because her goal in high school was to work at BuzzFeed.

Julia Fabrizio, Assistant Features Editor

Name: Ravyne Slaughter

Year: Junior

Major: Mass Communications, Concentration in Public Relations

Minor: Social Work

Clubs and Activities: Gamma Lambda Rho Sorority, executive board member on the Student Leader Alliance for Multiculturalism, Gael Guide, Orientation Leader

Why did you choose Iona?

“I chose Iona because I came from a small high school where my graduating class was 109 students. I wanted a smallish feel to where I would know a lot of people, but also where I would also always be meeting new people, and Iona had that. The minute I came on this campus and toured the Mass Communications department I fell in love with the school, and everyone seemed to be so friendly and nice.”

Why did you choose your major?

“I wanted to work at BuzzFeed when I was in high school, so I went to the BuzzFeed office after school one day. They said I couldn’t go upstairs, but I could stand in the lobby and talk to everyone who walks out and ask them how they got their start. I talked to a bunch of people who came out of the office, and this one lady said she was doing publicity and I decided I wanted to do publicity because it seemed so cool. Then, I came to Iona, not really knowing what publicity was, but I declared it as my major and I stuck with it and I love it.”

Why did you choose your minor?

“I chose my minor because freshman year I went to Chicago on a mission trip and I saw how crappy the school systems and government services were. I wanted to change that, and I wanted to go into policy. My friend on the trip who also majored in social work told me I could do this with social work, so when we came back to Iona I made it my major. After a few classes, I realized I still wanted to Mass Communications, so I switched back but kept the minor in social work, so when I eventually do policy through doing publicity for non-for-profits, I’ll have my social work background to help me.”

Why did you participate in mission trips at Iona?

“Mission trips were the first thing that I saw at Iona once I came here, and they just seemed to be a big part of the school. So, I went to an info session, just for fun, because I had nothing else to do, and I was like ‘I want to go!’  So, I wanted to go to Zambia, but I didn’t apply and ended up going to Chicago, but the next year I did Zambia, and then the next year I did Peru! It was so great to meet and work with all the children on the trips.”

Why did you rush Greek life?

“I decided to rush because I just wanted to see what was out there. I never thought about joining a sorority growing up, but then I just decided to go to Meet the Greeks one day thinking ‘what’s the worst that could happen?’ Then I did get a bid, and everything in my life changed, and I was completely fine with that, because I met my best friends and I got internship opportunities. I’m just really thriving and living the dream.”

What’s your favorite spot on campus?

“Probably Starbucks, because I can get work done but I can also see a lot of people. It’s kind of distracting, but I know at some point during my few hours there, a friend will walk in and sit with me.”

What is your favorite experience from Iona?

“My favorite experiences from Iona are all the friends I have made and the places I have gotten to go to because of Iona. I probably would not have gone to Zambia at any point in my life if it wasn’t for Iona, and I probably wouldn’t have met my best friends. Definitely just all the opportunities I have gotten –  it’s the little things in life.”

What does “Move the World” mean to you?

“It just means doing the little you can with the little time you have here, even if it’s just like making someone smile. A lot of people think “Move the World” means some big thing, like you have to go on some exotic mission trip, but it can literally just be like making someone’s day or even making your own day.”

What are your future plans?

“After I graduate, I want to move to the city and do publicity for a non-profit or something like that, and I want to do weekly happy hour with my best friends and just live my life and not have to worry about anything. I also want to donate to Iona when I get enough money.”

What advice do you have for underclassmen?

“Do everything, even if you think you’re going to get rejected. Even if you’re scared, just do it, because what’s the worst that can happen? They say no? You never know what can come out of saying, “okay, I’ll do it.”’