You know you go to Iona when…

Lauren UrbanCopy Editor

1. Commuters drive cars worth enough money to bring back the football team.

2. Your school has its own rap (it’s the I-O-N-A i-o-n-a!).

3. You know you’re late for class because the bell is chiming.

4. You can walk from one end of campus to the other in 6 minutes flat.

5. You go to Sun Hing for the free iced tea.

6. Every weekend night ends at the diner.

7.  Two words: mock tails.

 8. Your school has rented a mechanical bull on more than one occasion.

 9. Homecoming consists of a combination of rugby, soccer and/or lacrosse games.

10. You’ve wished McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts were on the meal card.

11. The brothers are some of the coolest professors.

12. Kids who live 10 minutes away dorm.

13. You’ve seen a movie at New Roc.

14. You realize something is seriously wrong with the layout of Murphy.

15. You WILL run into that one person you are trying to avoid… at Spellman…and the library…and the gym…

16. You are close friends with at least one person who works at The Ave.

17. You could easily beat Frogger because you practice every day while crossing North Ave.

18. House parties are 239 degrees.

19. The sound of sirens doesn’t even faze you.

20. You’ve bought Gene tea before.

21. For the upperclassmen — You miss country market Wednesdays (and Willie).

22. You heard yelling until 3 a.m. when the Yankees won the 2009 World Series.

23. You’ve gotten an ice coffee from either Chicken Joes or The Ave.

24.You know to avoid North Ave. when the high school lets out.

25. You’ve been told to “keep it mission consistent”.

26. You go to your local deli-mart for the techno music.

27. You’ve participated in Gael Guts and loved it.

28. You go to Ryan Library to socialize.

29. You forget your passwords because you have to change them so often.

30.  Last, but not least, you miss Tony Cannone.


To contact the Ionian’s Lauren Urban e-mail her at [email protected]