Ionian Web site launches new ‘Local Eats’ section

In recent years, print journalism has begun to feel the effects of a new technological age. Newspapers all over the country are shutting off their printing presses and launching online website forms of their publication, to keep up with this fast paced Internet dependent society.

While not all papers are closing their doors completely, almost all print newspapers today have online Web site components to compliment their newspaper. In keeping up with this standard, The Ionian has launched a Web site of its own.

Beginning in early 2010, work began to bring the Ionian online. Its official launch was fall 2010, but changes and adaptations are still being made with each passing day. That is the nature of online journalism, and an advantage to having a web component to the newspaper. Features are constantly being added, articles are being updated as more information is revealed and the project that is this fairly new website is successfully growing.

In an interview with sophomore web manager Ranisha Singh, she discussed the differences between the print and online versions and listed advantages this new online component will have on The Ionian, the campus and the surrounding community.

“With the online edition, we can make the newspaper available for those who are not physically around campus, such as alumni, parents and the New Rochelle community…The perks of having a website are that you can update breaking news right away instead of waiting for the next print date, incorporate multimedia to static articles and have instant user feedback,” Singh said. 

One of the newest aspects of the website, a feature that is not present in the print version of The Ionian is the “Local Eats” section. “We are reviewing local restaurants (both on and off the meal plan) in order to build a stronger connection between Iona and the New Rochelle community. Since reviews are constantly coming in, this section is strictly for the website and we are still working on the layout. So far, we have six reviews online and users are encouraged to leave comments on places they have visited before,” Singh said.

 This interesting and constantly updating facet will provide accurate information to students about local eateries near campus. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged.

Perhaps the most exciting characteristic of launching an online edition to a college newspaper is the ability for so many students to get involved.

“I think sometimes students think that they have no voice or say on the things going on at Iona, but they forget the power of the press. I know it sounds incredibly cliche, but it was true hundreds of years ago and it’s still true today,” Singh said. “If you have a problem with something, tell us. Comment on an article online. Post an article link on your wall and tell your friends. If you don’t say it, no one will know something is wrong. Essentially, the power for change has always been in our hands. We just forget that we have it.”

 With this power for change in the hands of students, the future of the Ionian-both print and online versions looks incredibly bright.

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