Winter WOW: Hypnotist: Chris Jones

Adrianna Shashaty Staff Writer

Prior to beginning his performance, Chris Jones promised not to embarrass anyone in anyway. He explained, “If it’s not Facebook official, I’m not going to ask it.” With that opening, Jones promised students who attended his performance on Jan. 19 in the End Zone that they would be in for a good show.

Only students with the ability to focus enough and trust Jones’ guidance into hypnosis had the most fun despite their awareness of it. These students got the chance to participate in American Idol, visit a petting zoo and run from the cops.

There was something special about Jones and his enthusiasm on stage. It was clear that Jones truly loves what he does, but his ability to interact with the audience was exhilarating.

Jones had students laughing so hard tears filled their eyes. Within moments of his performance, one female student quickly fell under his influence. She remained part of the entire show.

The hypnotist ran through several different exercises to weed out which members of the audience he would use. One exercise resulted in students forgetting their name. From those who drew a complete blank when asked their name, Jones learned who would be best to go on stage.

Six students under his influence were brought on stage. This is when the fun began.

For part of his performance, Jones played the song “In da club” by 50 Cent and told the participants that they were at a party. When he insisted they show off their best dance moves, the audience erupted into laughter at the dances created by the participants.

Next, Jones told the students to quickly hide because the cops just busted the party. One student ran to the corner and covered her head with a small garbage can.

He warned the audience that what he was about to do next sometimes results in girls crying. “Don’t feel bad if one of them cries,” he said, “girls sometimes tend to cry during this part of the show.”

Directing the participants back on stage, Jones pretended to be the cop and questioned each student individually why he should not issue them a ticket. One student replied, “Because my friends are hot.” Another began crying, insisting that she could not get in trouble because she is a Campus Minister. “Awes” and howling laughter filled the EndZone.

Jones then convinced a participant that a male audience member was the heartthrob actor, Ryan Gosling. Her face lit up when Jones pointed at the student, and she appeared weak in the knees upon greeting “Gosling.” She then guided him to the back of the room and sat him down on the couch. The crowd went hysterical.

After the show Jones spent time talking with students, answering questions about his techniques and even performed a card trick. He told the audience he became interested in the field after a hypnotist visited his college, “took him under his wing” and brought Jones on tour with him.

He now performs at colleges and high schools throughout the country, staying at hotels and sometimes more willingly in his Toyota Prius. As an inspiring performer, Jones is sure to leave his audience fascinated, despite their beliefs about hypnosis, mediation or magic.

You can follow Jones on Twitter @1wordChrisJones or check out his website