Kim and Kanye sue for proposal footage


Kardashian and West are seeking privacy.

Marisa Tomsky Staff Writer

Here comes the bride, all dressed in lawsuits. Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are suing YouTube’s cofounder, Chad Hurley, for leaking their marriage proposal footage.

Hurley was allegedly accused of breaking a confidentiality agreement and not having permission from the newly engaged couple to use the footage.

Kardashian and West were engaged on Oct. 21. They sued just ten days later on Oct. 31.

West’s proposal took place at San Francisco’s AT&T Park. West used the Jumbo-tron, writing “PLEEEASE MARRY MEEE!!!” across the huge screen, presenting Kardashian with a huge 15-carat ring, according to an article from the Washington Post.

The couple was fully aware that there were numerous cameras recording every second of the night and in addition, they planned to air the footage on the popular reality show, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.”

What the couple didn’t plan on was having an outsider share the video and make money off of it. But some believe that it was no surprise the video was leaked.

“Kim and Kanye force themselves into the public eye. If Kanye wanted his proposal to be private, he should have done it in a private manner,” said junior Michelle Doohan.

Due to the fact that the couple is so open about their private lives, some people disagree with the legal action and think their motive in suing was not because of an affront to their privacy.

“The only reason Kim and Kanye are suing is because they are upset that they couldn’t make a profit off of it first,” junior Siobhan Flattery said.

The frustration towards Hurley stemmed from the fact that Hurley, just like all of the other guests at the engagement party, were required to sign a confidentially agreement when he showed up, according to the Washington Post.

“Kanye West gets a bad reputation for his dealings with the media, but they portray him in a negative light, which is unfair,” said junior Thomas Worden. “He is famous, yes, but everyone is entitled to his or her privacy.”

Hurley wasn’t personally invited to the party, but tagged along with a friend. They let him stay after he signed the document and promised not to breathe a word about it.

Hurley was photographed holding the signed confidentiality agreement and the photo is included in the suit.

“Hurley is well aware of such contractual restrictions including not to usurp a person’s right to tell a story on his or her own terms, and for his or her own emotional and financial benefit,” said Reporter Aaron Couch in the “Hollywood Reporter.”

Hurley sold YouTube to Google in 2006 for a solid $1.65 billion. It’s believed that Hurley used the footage to jump-start his new program, MixBit, a way to create videos together.

The amount of money West and Kardashian are asking for is still unknown.