Gift guide: what to get for any Gael


Monsters University mugs and One Direction headphones are perfect gifts for gaels.

Taylor Brown Staff Writer

As the end of the semester draws near, students are abuzz with countdowns for Christmas Day. Even if you won’t be seeing your roommates during break, you may still want to give them a gift before you leave.

Instead of finding a half-hearted gift at the last minute, personalize your gifts with these tips.

Coffee Addict

Is your roommate always carrying a cup of coffee in their hand? Are they a zombie until they get their daily dose of caffeine? Get them a sentimental mug, so they’ll be reminded that you care while they’re getting their fix.

Found at: TJMAXX

The Quirky Artist

Does your roommate always seem to be looking for new ways to express herself? Whether it’s her clothes, her hair, or her accessories, do they love to take risks? Instead of trying to find something to match up to that type of spunk, get her a “Wreck This Journal” to use as a means to artistically express herself. A “Wreck This Journal” is the perfect outlet for all those overwhelming college problems.

Found at: Amazon

Night Owl

If you and your roommate have different sleeping schedules and can’t seem to find common ground, this could bring some serious tension to an otherwise smooth relationship. This Christmas, buy your roommate a lamp to plug into their laptop while they’re working on a last-minute project.

Found at: Apple Store

Fandom Fanatic

Can your roommate be found gripping her pillow during every new episode of their favorite TV show? Even if they’ve already seen the movie trilogy, do they still require a box of tissues next to them, just in case? Get your roommate a figurine of their favorite character, so they can have something to hold onto, besides your hand, while they insist on hosting their 4th movie marathon weekend.

Found at: Hot Topic

Music Lover

If your roommate is always rocking out to the latest songs, get them a pair of headphones for when they’re on the go. Try finding a pair from their favorite band, or favorite TV show, even their favorite food. Quirky headphones will surely make them smile when they’re walking down North Ave with their iPod in hand.

Found at: Various retailers

The Stressed-out Student

College stresses everyone out at one point or another. Help your roommate fight anxiety with this gift. A meditation fountain is an inexpensive battery operated piece of Zen for their room. The soft sound of water over the rocks will help calm them down during the daily stresses of school.

Found at: CVS

Another way to spice up your gift giving is to create a Secret Santa game in your suite or floor. “Surprise people and get them a unique gift that they’d like,” says Sophomore Shannon Andrews.

Regardless of the gifts you decide to give to each other, don’t over think it. Decide on a limit, and get shopping!