‘House:’ Netflix hit

Across the country, it’s a known fact that Netflix is the best friend of nearly every college student. It carries students through exams, it helps them to escape from stress and it aids in the timeless venture of procrastination. This is a public service announcement for all college students. Next time you open Netflix in need of a fix, watch one of the most intriguing, well-written and addictive shows airing anywhere right now.

“House Of Cards” is a Netflix original series that debuted in 2013 and made immediate waves. With its second season debuting on Valentine’s Day, this political thriller is reaching new heights of popularity and critical praise, and deservedly so.

Kevin Spacey headlines the show as politician Frank Underwood, a man who hunts for success and will do anything to ensure that personal achievement is his. Golden Globe winner Robin Wright stands by Spacey’s side as his wife Claire, and together the Underwood partnership works together in cold, tactical, tandem.

Season two of “House Of Cards” begins within minutes of conclusion of its premiere season, and the action and drama immediately churns forward as the Underwoods continue their diabolical rise to power.

The first episode brings a shocking twist that will force all viewers to pause the show and digest what they just witnessed.

The unforgettable, constantly changing plot markers don’t ever stop. “House Of Cards” can be considered the smartest political drama since “West Wing,” and creator Beau Willimon seems to find fantastically engaging story lines with impeccable ease.

What makes “House Of Cards” so addictive are the characters. The personalities of Netflix’s masterpiece are egotistical, manipulative and maleficent; and you will hate yourself for loving them.

Senior Rebecca Carvalho has followed the show since the beginning, and understands the unapologetic traits of the characters.

“You have no idea who you can trust, if anyone, in the show, and everyone seems to have their own personal agenda,” said Carvalho. “Everyone seems to be pretty selfish, even those characters you didn’t expect that trait from.”

While the entire cast deserves praise, the spotlight does have to be on Spacey. The two-time Oscar winner brings his devilish charisma with a fortitude that’s irritably inspiring. Some of the most memorable parts of the show come when Spacey breaks the fourth wall and addresses the viewers.

Without fail, the character of Frank Underwood always delivers a one-liner that’s both malicious and insightful; for example, “There is no sacred ground for the conquered.”

“House Of Cards” is a show that will conquer you. It will consume you and it won’t let go. It’s a fast paced, never-ending political whirlwind that will have you begging for more.

Junior Orlando Barreiro has fallen prey to the intrigue “House Of Cards” and cautions of its addictiveness.

“I know Netflix thinks that giving the viewer the entire season to watch at their own leisure is a good thing, but this show will have you put aside all the work you need to do so you can burn through the entire two seasons,” said Barriero.

Proceed carefully, you have been warned.