Three apps that are making students money

There’s only a month left of school, and student’s bank accounts are lower on cash than their meal cards.

Luckily for iPhone and Android users, apps are giving them a new way to make money, without having to do a lot.

Phone app companies are paying users to use them. After following a few instructions designated by the app, you’ll receive points for doing the tasks that can be exchanged for actual money.

There are three types of apps which require users to perform simple tasks that will reward them with gift cards, prizes, and money.

The first app, Featurepoints, is one that requires you to download other apps.

The homepage of the app will offer you five to six apps at a time to download, displaying the amount of points you will receive once you follow the instructions.

You are usually asked to keep the app open for at least a minute, and complete any tutorials or registrations. After you’ve received your points you can delete the app.

Although this app is available for both Apple and Android users, the app is not in the store. To find it, you have to go to their website

The second type of app requires you to put in even less effort. This one is called Viggle and is made to use when you’re watching TV or listening to music.

When you open the app you are directed to a button to press that will turn on your phone’s microphone, and it will record the sound coming from the speakers and record the show you’re watching, or your music. This process takes about 10 seconds, and the amount of time spent watching the show is equivalent to points you will earn.

Certain TV shows will double the amount of points you would normally get, especially for upcoming episodes. TV shows are able to use the space to advertise their show, and the more points a user can gain, the more likely they are to watch the show.

Check the app frequently because they are always updating their rewards list.

Although it is easy to get points, it will take a longer amount to make you any real money, since 25 points adds up to roughly $0.01. The third type of app is one that will require you to take short surveys on various topics.

Surveys on the Go has you fill out a profile to help better distinguish what types of surveys you’re eligible to take. Each survey you fill out will make you $0.25.

The surveys aren’t as frequently available, so this shouldn’t be a app you rely on for money, but it does add up. Once you make $10 which is the equivalent of taking around 40 surveys, you can deposit these funds into a PayPal account.

There are so many different variations of each of these apps, and are usually easily found in the app store. You can search similar ones in the app store, and with a combination of them make yourself a good amount of money without having to do very much.