Taking on test anxiety

Sarah Dembek Staff Writer

With all of these snow days, students may find themselves under the pressure of a larger workload.

Most students enter a new semester with high hopes of being academically driven and eliminating last-minute studying habits. However, when work begins to build up quickly, students find themselves struggling to manage their schedule and that can create a strong sense of anxiety come test time.

If you often find yourself in this position, here are some helpful tips to help you beat test anxiety:

Get a planner: An agenda can eliminate stress. A planner is a great way to stay organized and after purchasing one, you will never be left wondering when or what classes you have assignments or important tests in. They range in price, design, and size. Choose the one that best suits the amount of space you need to track your schedule.

Time management: Avoiding doing assignments and studying for a test at the last minute is a key element of eliminating anxiety. Procrastination leads to staying up all-night, cramming and rushing to accomplish the simplest of assignments. Try breaking up your work into small increments throughout the week, make sure you are allowing yourself enough time to get your work done more efficiently and faster than if you had left it to the last minute.

Music: Make a playlist of all of your favorite songs and designate it as your stress-relieving playlist. Fill it up with slower paced instrumental music or even acoustic covers that are not so fast-paced. Put this playlist on anywhere from a half hour to an hour before your test. Listening to music is a great way to get your mind off of the nerves you may be facing for the big exam.

Water: Staying hydrated is something quite simple that many students forget to do. Drinking a lot of water, along with making sure you eat a healthy and well-balanced breakfast, also helps relieve nerves. Even just bringing a water bottle to your test allows you to step back from the test for a moment.

During the test: If you come across a difficult question that you may not know the answer to right away, don’t panic. Take deep breaths and just skip the question for the time being. Stressing over not knowing one answer could lead to you doing poorly on the rest of the test. Save those questions for the end of the test.

These simple tips can really make a difference in eliminating test anxiety. Starting with a clean slate and new strategies to help conquer the possible nerves you may face will allow you to have a successful new semester.