Samsung Galaxy S6 better than iPhone 6

Jaromir Francois Contributing Writer

Samsung announced at the Mobile World Congress in Spain the specifics of the Samsung Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge March 1.

Samsung Mobile’s Twitter said, “Your stylish friends and your techie friends will be green with envy.”

That may not be the case, however, as many are speculating that the Galaxy S6 will be just like the iPhone 6.

The release date of the Galaxy has been set for April 10; Verizon users will have the luxury of pre-ordering the new technology on April 1.

The S6 is set to be released a year after its predecessor.

The fact that is both the 6th installment for Galaxies as it is iPhone isn’t the only thing the new phones will have in common.

The Galaxy S6 was announced came five months after Apple’s iPhone 6 and 6 Plus came out. While Samsung does have a significant amount of followers who swear by their brand, the reaction the phone will receive once it is released is yet to be known.

The two new devices received a lot of praise from reviewers at the conference. Phonedog, a cell phone and mobile news and reviews resource, said that both phones are very attractive to the eye and levels the field with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

“Combining beauty with purpose – that’s the design of the revolutionary #GalaxyS6 and #GalaxyS6edge,” Samsung Mobile tweeted.

The new Galaxies have lost the plastic outerwear that became their signature as Samsung has instead opted for the glass and metallic approach, just as the iPhones have always done.

“I think they’re taking bits and pieces from iPhones but still have their feel and different touch,” senior Stephanie Alvarez said.

Alvarez believed that the Galaxy line always held true to its durability, but she was concerned with the lack of expanding and removable storage, and she is not sure if it’ll be worth the tradeoff.

The new phone is said to have Samsung Pay, which Samsung Mobile’s Twitter claims will have “near universal acceptance.”

Some improvements have been made to the Galaxy that may make it more likeable over the iPhone 6. The Galaxy is said to weigh less and have a larger screen than the iPhone 6. The S6 also offers a 16 megapixel camera, which is double that of the iPhone 6.

Senior Justin Ruiz noticed Samsung is imitating the iPhone’s appearance, but he, like Phonedog, loved its look.

“The Edge’s curved glass was an amazing feature that could be a deciding factor, but I like the color options on the regular S6.” Ruiz said. “As for the replication game, I just think Samsung is just trying to ‘stick it’ to Apple after their legal issues.”

Senior Richart Flaetgen, stated how the S6 is a pseudo-iPhone, which seems to be the consensus.

Samsung Mobile has taken to Twitter to post videos daily about what their new product will be able to do. The new phone can also be seen on posing for a Samsung-specific version Paris Fashion Week.

The new devices will come in 32, 64 and 128GB variants with prices as high as $700, if not purchased through a service provider.