How to stay motivated in the new semester

Scout Turner Staff writer

In the first few weeks of school you may find yourself longing for warm days on the beach while sitting through a seemingly never-ending 8 a.m. lecture.

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one with back to school blues, but starting off your semester on the wrong foot can set the tone for the next few months.

Staying motivated can be hard after having three months off of school, and the last thing you want is to be in Ryan Library the first day back. If you’re worried about falling into that rut, here are some tips to help you get back into the swing of things.

1. Planning:

Creating a plan or a to-do list is essential. Being able to see everything you need to do written out in front of you can easily help you to stay on top of your work.

Modify your list by ranking the assignments from least to most important. Keep in mind the amount of time and energy that is required for each assignment, so that all of your work gets the attention it deserves.

2. Set Goals:

Syllabuses may seem like a nuisance, but you should make them your best friend. With all of your assignments for the semester in a three page packet, there’s no excuse for missing a deadline.

Knowing your work early can be helpful in setting attainable goals. If you’re given a 30-page research paper that’s due at the end of the semester, you will be able to know to start the research and pick a topic as soon as possible.

Try setting long-term goals to help you stay focused over a long period of time as well. Having something you are working toward can make the end result ten times better.

3. Social Support:

Surround yourself with friends who have similar goals will be a big help in not getting distracted and keeping your eye on the prize (the prize being a 4.0 GPA).

Finding students who have the same academic goals will help you stay motivated. These friends also tend to make great library buddies when midterms and finals role around.

4. Reward Yourself:

After working hard you deserve a break, a snack or even some time spent on social media. Treat yourself after getting some serious studying done, as it will make the whole process a lot more pleasant and go by quicker.

However, don’t “preward” yourself.

5. Stay Organized:

Keeping your assignments organized is key to staying on top of your work. Even keeping your room and the rest of your life organized can aid in having a academically successful semester. Make sure to keep your desk clean and your notes in order.

All these simple tips can be crucial components in having a successful semester.

Senior Molly Yetman shared how planning out all of her days on Sunday helps her stay motivated.

“I even plan out when I will go to the gym in-between studying for each day,” Yetman said. “It is so helpful because than I know exactly how my week will go and that I will get all my work done.”

Just picking up a simple planner can be the first step in the right direction. Having a successful start to the semester is just as important to finals week.

These next few weeks set the tone, so make sure you put your best foot forward, whether it is your senior or freshman year!