Making the most of your spring semester

The beginning of a new semester means a fresh start for students. Regardless of your performance last semester, this is the time to improve upon your work from the previous years.

Here are a few tips to consider to help you get back into your school schedule to make this semester great.

1. Calendar:

Students often feel pressed for time and overwhelmed by the amount of assignments that pile up. A simple way to manage when assignments are due is to keep a calendar of due dates.

This planner can be in your phone, in an agenda or even hung on your wall.

For those who enjoy planning things out on a daily basis, consider allocating time each day for when you will eat, sleep, socialize and get your school work done.

2. Stay organized:

This not only applies to academics, but it also applies to how you keep your dorm or apartment. Keep your binders, notebooks and folders for your classes organized from the start so you will know where to find them when exams roll around.

Take the time the night before to pack your backpack so you won’t be rushing before class. You’ll also be less likely to forget books in your dorm.

Also, make sure you take the time to unpack everything from winter vacation as well. You will have more room to organize and aid in your academic progress.

3. Keep in touch:

We all meet with our academic advisors when it comes time to register for classes, but it shouldn’t be the only time in the semester you speak with them.

Feel free to send your advisor an e-mail once in a while to ask any questions that you may have as you begin to head into the following semester.

The more often that you interact with and meet with your advisor, the better you will be able to establish a relationship with your advisor.

You may need a solid reference when it comes time to apply for a job, and there is no better person to consider for a recommendation than your advisor.

4. Use the library:

Each semester is filled with highs and lows. It may seem challenging at the start of the semester to adjust to the workload, let alone attend multiple classes in a day.

Don’t let stress weigh you down. Find a quiet, calm study location where you can be productive.