Beauty tips and tricks for cold weather

Ariana Perez Staff Writer

The winter season is upon us, making it more important than ever to protect your hair and skin from harsh weather conditions.

If you’re not sure where to start in your routine, here are five tips that will keep your skin and hair looking great all winter long.

1. Exfoliate:

Exfoliating your dry skin is essential to keeping it smooth during the winter. By using products like the Burt’s Bees line, which are all-natural and can be at Target, you can get rid of any dry patches on your face and body.

This brand offers fantastic face and body exfoliators with pleasant scents. Try the Burt’s Bees Peach & Willow Bark Deep Pore Scrub ($8) for your face, and Burt’s Bees Cranberry and Pomegranate Sugar Scrub ($13) for the rest of your body.

Use these 1-2 times a week and you’ll never have to deal with dry, flakey skin again.

2. Moisturize:

This step is especially useful for after you’ve exfoliated. The harsh weather draws moisture out of our skin and it’s important to replenish it.

Using body lotion in the morning and night plays a huge role in maintaining soft, healthy skin. Target offers their own line of skincare products called Up & Up, which are similar to Olay products, but at half the price.

Buy lotion based on your skin type, and what you want to get out of it. For example, if you have sensitive skin, try the Up & Up Sensitive Skin Lotion ($4.89).

Another important thing to remember when looking for a day-time moisturizer is to make sure it has SPF. Even though it is winter, the sun’s UV rays can still do damage to your skin.

3. Lip care:

Chapped lips are the worst because they feel uncomfortable and make your lipstick look terrible. Applying medicated moisturizing products every few hours can make a noticeable difference in no time.

To keep lips healthy, try Blistex. It comes in a variety of flavors, and some even contain SPF. The best part? Most of the Blistex products are under $3.

Just as your exfoliate your body, make sure to exfoliate your lips a few times a week.

For an easy and delicious lip scrub try Lush Cosmetics. They have four different products: The Kiss, Bubble Gum, Mint Juleps and Popcorn. They’re edible, natural and all of them are $9.95.

4. Makeup:

The harsh weather shouldn’t stop you from applying makeup. While heavy foundations and powders may aggravate your skin, a simple solution to this is using light, cream based products.

Try using a BB Cream and cream blush instead of foundation and powder blush to prevent your skin from drying out. Pair Maybelline’s New York Dream Pure BB Cream Skin Clearing Perfector ($8.99) with the Maybelline Baby Skin Instant Cheek Flush ($6.99).

5. Hair care:

Deep conditioning your hair once a week and staying away from hot tools as much as possible are just a few small things that can make a big impact on your hair’s health. For extra moisture, try using a hair mask before you wash your hair.

To make your own coconut hair oil mask, simply heat two tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl in the microwave for 30 seconds or until it liquidizes. Apply the mixture to your unwashed hair and let it sink in for 45 minutes. Then, shampoo and condition as you normally would.

With these tips and investing a little extra time into your routine there’s no chance this cold weather can harm your skin or hair. Keep warm and stay beautiful.