Why it isn’t trendy to be gluten-free


Frances Hoey, Social Media Manager

When it comes to fad diets and health culturethe term ‘gluten-free’ is always thrown into the mix. There are many misconceptions surrounding the increased popularity of this diet, mainly that it serves to be a health-food trend. But what does it really mean to be gluten-free? And who should actually be gluten-free? 


A gluten-free diet is one that avoids foods that contain gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye, spelt and barley.  


Gluten sensitivity takes on many forms. Some people have an autoimmune disease called celiac, in which the ingestion of gluten can damage their intestines. Others have wheat allergy and may go into anaphylactic shock similar to a peanut allergyAnother form is gluten intolerance, where people cannot digest gluten and will build up inflammation with each exposure. Symptoms may manifest in different ways in the body, so it may not be obvious.  


Society has yet to become educated on this topic enough to understand that people with these ailments can get seriously ill with just cross-contamination. An example of this could be a deli cutting gluten-free bread on the same surface as regular bread.  


As a result, it is clear that being gluten-free is no joke. This is a challenging, forever-lifestyle for those that need it, not the trendy, high-end diet that toxic health and influencer culture makes it out to be. Being gluten-free does not brand a person as healthier than someone who eats gluten. In fact, some glutenfree products contain more sugar and less nutrients than regular versions. 


Health should come from a balanced lifestyle between mind and body, and that’s exactly what being gluten-free is meant to do. have been gluten-free for over five years now, and still eat gluten-free versions of pizza, bagels, donuts and moreAfter facing stomach problems my whole life, any odd looks I get when I eat a fast-food cheeseburger on lettuce are all worth it in the name of taking my life back and feeling my absolute best.  

The takeaway is simple. If you suffer from digestive issues, inflammation, headaches, joint pain or anything similar, please give this lifestyle a chancebut don’t just use this as a poor excuse for a health-food fad diet.  


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