‘Enola Holmes’: An enjoyable film that would have been better as a series


Enola Holmes – An enjoyable film that would have been better as a series – Koreena Harnaraine – Photo from Legendary Entertainment.

Koreena Harnaraine, Contributing Writer

“Enola Holmes” premiered on Sept. 23 on Netflix. The movie features a stellar cast, including Millie Bobby Brown as Enola, Henry Cavill as Sherlock Holmes and Sam Claflin as Mycroft Holmes. The movie follows the story of a teenage girl, Enola Holmes, as she searches for her missing mother while hiding from her famous detective brother, Sherlock and her other brother, Mycroft. While searching for her mother, she meets Viscount Tewkesbury, which causes conflict for her and adds an interesting element to the story. She faces a plethora of challenges that force her to use her wits and observation skills to overcome them. “Enola Holmes” features mystery, adventure and even romantic elements sprinkled throughout the film.  


Although the film is a fun watch, the events that transpire would have been better fit for a series rather than a movie. The pacing in the movie neglected to shine light on each character and explore more of Enola’s tricks and abilities. In addition, the movie had many subplots which would have been better addressed in an episodic format. Enola often found herself in difficult situations, and it would have been interesting to explore those situations more in depth. The mystery element is quite lackluster since there was not enough time to build it up and allow the audience to be immersed in the storyline and surprised at the ending. If the movie was a series instead, this would have given more shock value to the ending. The movie often breaks the fourth wall in amusing and comical ways. However, in some scenes it did not feel necessary, making it awkward for the audience.  


Regardless of this, the actors still had excellent performances. Millie Bobby Brown shines throughout this role, since the audience gets to see more of her own personality through the character. Enola’s character traits were likable and allowed the audience to feel connected to her character. It was a good depiction of a strong female lead who embraces some aspects of femininity but also stays true to herself. 


Overall, “Enola Holmes” was entertaining and mossuitable for a younger audience. The film provides a good message of being true to yourself and finding your own path in life.