They will be our ‘Odd Future’

The group Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All.

The group Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All.

Hip-Hop is a genre of music that is continuously changing whether it includes more auto-tune, more song hooks and choruses or just crazy and powerful lyrics; something new is always around the corner. Around the corner is new rap group called Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All (OFWGKTA) or Odd Future for short.

Odd Future is the newest rap group that people cannot get enough of. Odd Future, led by Tyler, the creator, is a Los Angeles rap group consisting of young people ranging from ages 17-23. The group also includes rappers Hodgy Beats, Earl Sweatshirt, Domo Genesis, Mike G, singer Frank Ocean and producers Left Brain, Syd and The Super 3. Although they all make up the group Odd Future, there are two groups inside the group. The group MellowHype includes rapper Hodgy Beats and producer Left Brain, while the group EarlWolf consists of Tyler, the creator, and Earl Sweatshirt.

Odd Future has released four mix tapes and eight solo albums, which are all free to download on its website. This group has been considered to have somewhat of a “cult” following and have continuously had its music spread by word of mouth. What is usually considered normal for rock-and-roll bands has now become the norm for this blazing rap group. Odd Future strays away from the normal rap group persona by creating a rock show feel at their concerts, with mosh pits, stage diving and by provoking their audience.

This group appeared on the rap scene with song lyrics that are about the most outrageous topics. Odd Future is revitalizing hip-hop with the usage of their rhyming skills to create vivid and intense stories about drug use, strange fetishes and many other taboo subjects. The group’s ability to create such wild and unthinkable lyrics has helped form such a large and fast growing fan base.

A rap group with such an extreme name reflects nothing but passion in its music and performances. The group members portray such an anger and ecstatic energy in their music that their listeners are able to connect and ultimately only want to listen more. Odd Future prides themselves on not only making music that people like but also making sure that they, themselves can enjoy and truly like the music that they produce. Although their music may not be suitable for everyone, if one is capable and comfortable with listening to the many controversial topics they rhyme about, their music will be refreshing and exciting for its listeners.

Well-known rap superstar Kanye West, added to the hype of this group by posting on Twitter the YouTube link to Tyler, the creator’s music video “Yonkers,” calling it “The video of 2011.” The song and video for “Yonkers” was also co-signed as a great song and video by rappers Pusha-T and Mos Def. With such an amazing compliment from hip-hop sensations, it seemed only right that millions of people and followers would take the initiative to check out this rap group. After these comments were swimming over the internet, the video for “Yonkers” got over one million views after just two weeks on YouTube.

Odd Future left their mark on the world during the televised 2011 mtvU Woodie Awards. At the awards show, Odd Future were the last performers. Tyler rapped to his song “Yonkers” as a masked midget appeared, walking down steps rapping the lyrics. Moments later Tyler appeared also masked as he finished rapping his song.  As the first verse of “Yonkers” finished the group began to rap along to their song “Sandwitches.” A group that is never scared of the audience involvement jumped into the crowd as the group and the audience chanted “Wolf Gang,” while waving their hands up and down. They left with a bang finishing the awards show by being carried off stage by security guards.

Odd Future has also been getting a lot of attention from the public because of the assumption that member Earl Sweatshirt was recently sent away to boarding school. It is quite funny that an up-and-coming rap star is sent away to boarding school by his mother because of her discovery and dislike of the rap group he was a part of.

Odd Future has not openly said anything about the fate of Earl Sweatshirt, but they have said to LA Weekly that “He’s not currently making music with Odd Future.” Fans who are under the assumption that Earl Sweatshirt was sent away have responded by chanting at concerts “Free Earl” and by also using graffiti and spray painting the words “Free Earl” in different public locations.

Tyler will be the first member of the group to release a solo commercial album. This will be the second album Tyler has released. He has recorded with XL Recordings and his album titled “Goblin” will debut in April. This album features his first single “Yonkers.”

Such a strange and crazy rap group has established themselves, not only by selling out concerts in every major city, collectively recording over 12 albums in total, and performing at a major award show but also by being a group that people cannot stop talking about. For all of the YouTubers and music junkies, Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All is a rap group that needs to be checked out.