“The Princess and the Frog” is a 2009 animation film created by Walt Disney Studios. Based on the 1812 fairytale “The Frog Prince,” written by the Grimm Brothers, it was a highly successful animation, with Disney receiving two hundred and seventy-one million dollars at the Box Office and earning eighty-five percent on Rotten Tomatoes, as well as receiving three Oscar (Academy Award) nominations in 2010.
The “Princess and the Frog” was a well-adapted story of representation of African Americans and women, as the main character, Princess Tiana, is a prime example of defeating stereotypes and earning everything you have. Many people share that they feel seen due to “The Princess and the Frog” being so popular and realistic when the magical elements are removed. At the end of the day, what people are expected to do in life is to wake up and work till you reach your final days.
“The Princess and the Frog” holds more than just a story about turning into a frog and then finding a way to transform back into a human. I have enjoyed watching “The Princess and the Frog” since the movie’s release when I was three years old. My viewpoint on what the movie means to me has changed throughout the years. The story of ‘The Princess and the Frog’ is nostalgic, but there is so much more meaning than magic and wearing a tiara. When growing up as a little girl, there is a fine line between what people expect of you and what you expect of yourself. Several memories are shared between me and other girls telling us to marry rich men and not to seek work. When I saw Tiana working harder than ever to reach her dream that her father encouraged her to accomplish, then marrying a man who loved her for her hard work and dedication, it truly was an inspirational moment for women.
Overall, “The Princess and the Frog” is a movie for all audiences, especially little girls who want to make a name for themselves in any field they desire.