For Iona University seniors, graduation is fast approaching. While graduation being almost two months away can be seen as a stressful time for Iona seniors, using the remainder of time on campus wisely is a worthwhile idea. There are many things one should do before graduating, and this article serves as a guide to those seniors who are in a state of uneasiness and uncertainty for what comes next and can be helpful in various ways to prepare for the unknown after graduation.
1. Updating and revising your resume.
Resumes are an essential part of the college experience, and are constantly updated due to skills learned, and job experiences. Improving and reviewing your resume is a sure-fire way to ensure it is the best it can possibly be is helpful for applying for jobs before graduation.
2. Connecting on LinkedIn.
LinkedIn is a very useful and important social networking platform for all college students, and connecting with as many fellow Gaels and faculty as possible is important for building important connections for the future, you never know who can be helpful in the career field you’re heading into.
3. Connect with professors.
Professors are helpful networking opportunities, and Iona has a plethora of helpful professors who are all experts in their respective fields and are always willing to help out in many means necessary and may be able to help you connect with someone they know to land a job or internship for after college.
4. Relax and reflect.
Relaxing is something we often forget to do, especially during hectic times such as two months before graduation. Reflecting on your college journey is an important thing to do before heading out the door. Everyone’s journey is different, but we all tend to grow as people in many ways throughout our four years of college, and the person you were in the beginning of college is proud of the person you are now at the end of college.
College is a life changing moment for all those who attend. The experience makes us learn a lot about ourselves and helps us adapt into people suitable for the outside world of job hunting and proper adult life. Iona is a perfect example of the ideal college experience and environment, filled with helpful professors and insightful opportunities with networking incorporated all throughout. Enjoy the remainder of the time you have here at Iona and make the most of the time left on campus.