“Echo” is a Disney+ series that was released with all five of its episodes on January 9th. The series follows the story of Maya Lopez as she reconnects with her Native American roots. Maya Lopez is unlike any other Marvel character. Maya in the “Echo” series is both deaf and a lower extremity amputee. Maya does not have crazy mutant-like superpowers like many other superheroes in the Marvel universe. Maya in this series, ever since she was a little girl, trained martial arts while her “uncle,” Kingpin, helped raise her after Maya’s tragedy.
Maya Lopez grew up in her hometown, Tamaha, Oklahoma, with her family and her best friend. Maya, born deaf, had to learn sign language and so did the rest of her family to communicate with them. When Maya Lopez was a little girl, she got into a car accident with her mother which resulted in the death of her mother and Maya’s leg getting severely injured which resulted in an amputation. Maya’s life was not easy from then on, having to move from her hometown and losing more of her loved ones. Once Maya meets Kingpin her life seems to change for the better since Kingpin is not only an uncle to Maya, but also a protector.
Since we met Maya in the Disney+ series “Hawkeye,” Maya Lopez has learned that her uncle Kingpin is not the good guy she used to see him as when she was a little girl. As well as reconnecting with her Native American roots in the “Echo” series, Maya seeks out to take down Kingpin and his army that invades her hometown.
Along with this enticing story, Maya Lopez, played by Alaqua Cox, portrays her character beyond expectation. Alaqua Cox is spectacular and considering Alaqua is deaf and an amputee her acting performance in this series makes it that more impressive. Alaqua Cox explains in interviews that she has a buzzer-like feeling on her clothes to help her know when it is her turn to sign her lines. She explains that it took getting used to but watching this series she became a natural at it. Not only was her acting and use of emotion amazing in this series but so were her action scenes. Maya Lopez is a trained martial artist and Alaqua Cox during the stunt and action scenes is astonishing.
The Echo series is fun, action-packed and unique. This series follows a unique character in the show’s lead, Maya Lopez, and shows the audience that no matter what type of disability you may have you can do anything. This series not only teaches you resilience but teaches you to never forget where your roots began.