Martin Scorsese’s 2006 crime thriller “The Departed” is a masterful film surrounding about the Boston’s organized crime scene. With its intense plot twists, masterful performances and intricate character dynamics, “The Departed” has earned its place as one of the most acclaimed and memorable crime dramas in cinematic history.
The film stars two of the greatest actors of this generation, Matt Damon and Leonardo Dicaprio. They play two Boston police officers, Colin Sullivan and Billy Costigan. Sullivan, who is played by Damon, is a higher up in the department but has been swayed by the head mob boss in the Boston area, Frank Costello. Frank is played by another legendary actor, Jack Nickolson, who perfectly embodies this position and truly makes the performance feel that nobody else could have played this role.
Dicaprio’s character, Costigan, has been hired by the police department to infiltrate Costello’s mob ring and bust him for all the heinous crimes he has committed. What makes this film so captivating for all audiences is the constant rollercoaster ride it takes the audience on. We are watching a man struggling with keeping up a dual identity which has led him to a life of drugs and extreme anguish but doesn’t want to give up the mission.
The stellar cast performances have audiences glued to their seats for three hours with uncertainty of what will occur next in the film. What sets “The Departed” apart from others is the everchanging exploration about the duality of man. Two of the main actors in this film are living double lives, and the one who is trying to do good is often seen as the villain to the other characters.
Dicaprio perfectly captures the true complexity of an undercover cop, who is heading to “work” putting his life in danger each and every day. Damon is constantly conflicted between his duty to be a police officer, and his allegiance to his mentor and father figure, Frank Costello.
One of the greatest directors of this generation, Martin Scorsese, gives a powerful and ever-changing display in every frame of the film, which led to his first ever Academy Award win in 2007. The soundtrack, cinematography and editing all lead to a perfect culmination that has audiences shaking in their boots and can’t wait till the ending. This film is surely to be a smash hit for all groups as this heart racing thriller hasn’t lost any of its magic or captivating storylines almost two decades later. If you haven’t seen this film, I highly recommend watching it, especially if you don’t want to be a “rat.”