Getting familiar with Iona’s campus security
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Campus safety comes to the rescue with their capes on and guidance to give.
December 9, 2021
Night classes are daunting when it’s 9:30 pm, and you must walk throughout the dimly lit campus, back to your dorm. With a high chance of reaching home safely, there is still a thin margin that risks making you a victim.
We all know someone who has been too scared to report abuse. Whatever that person’s reasons may be, Iona’s campus security team intends to terminate fear and for justice to be served.
Telemarketers calling to talk about your car’s extended warranty is an immediate decline. However, there are spam calls that make serious threats and puts you at risk of danger, at home and on campus.
When you think of “campus safety,” your mind resorts to physical safety. However, Iona’s campus safety also focuses on cyberbullying.
Living in an era where it’s second nature to interact online, campus security will have eyes everywhere if you need them too.
John Hynes, associate director of campus safety, persists in creating a comfortable aura for students to voice their problems without feeling ashamed, ridiculed, or blamed.
Hyne’s advice to students and staff posting on social media, especially with all upcoming holiday festivities, is to try to be as discreet as possible. Even the smallest of details enables extensive research someone can do. With just a name, a stalker can find your address, phone number, license plate number, etc.
Campus safety is the second layer of protection. The first layer is you. Although the minds of students and faculty are buzzing in many directions, being hyper-aware on campus grounds strengthens your reaction time. Especially at night, when student traffic is low, have your head on a 180-degree swivel.
With their warm and welcoming personalities, students will feel at ease talking to Hynes and the rest of the security team.
“Our goal is to not make the victim, victimized twice,” Hynes said.
So, if there’s an issue that needs to be discussed in person, security does not want to make someone fearful of outcomes but want to create solutions for the betterment of the person(s) involved.
If a sensitive case arises, security will slow down every process to make the victim feel unrushed, therefore they have the safe space needed to report accurate, detailed information needed. Officers will then decide if the case should go to a supervisor, police, Title IX or student affairs.
Campus safety loves to spur personal connections with everyone on campus. Trusting one another is the beginning step of solving cases. If anyone on campus feels unsafe, Iona’s security team urges you to speak to them so they can begin a report. Members of the team, like John Hynes, are willing to help in any way they can to protect the welfare of the Iona community.
Please contact campus safety, available 24 hours at: (914) 633-2560