Love Island USA seeking applicants from Iona for season three
Photo caption: Love Island starts out with five single men and five single women, but can have up to as many as 40 people on standby to bring in throughout the show.
April 8, 2021
*Disclaimer: This article is part of the Ionian’s April Fool’s issue and is meant solely to be a joke * Happy April Fool’s!
Love Island USA is returning for a third season and is currently looking for contestants. The reality television series is reaching out to a select number of colleges and universities across the nation to encourage students who are single and ready to mingle to send in their applications, and Iona College is on their list.
Love Island USA is the American version of the popular Love Island UK reality television show. Contestants – five men and five women – are sent to a remote location where they stay in a luxurious villa. They lounge around the pool during the day, play games and party at night, but the ultimate goal is to find love.
The producers of the show believe college students are within their target audience.
“We want to attract more college students,” Executive Producer of Love Island USA David Eilenberg says. “Iona College is within the location we’re interested in getting contestants from and seemed like the perfect place to get applicants.”
Applications can be filled out online at and should be submitted before May 28. Applicants need to go through an interview process and ensure they can vacation for 32 days to film the show.
The first season of the show was set in Fiji and the second one took place in Las Vegas because of the COVID-19coronavirus pandemic, but season three of the series will actually take place on an island. The contestants will be flown out to the tropical aAloha sState of Hawaii.
Although the premise of the show is to find that special someone, it’s still a game with many rules and restrictions. The islanders are unable to contact anyone from the outside world and spend every day under 24– hour surveillance as they get to know a group of strangers who either become their closest friends or their enemies. The contestants not only spend every day together, but they even share a room and a bathroom.
The main point of the game is that the islanders must couple up, and if they don’t find a connection they’re dumped from the island and new people come in to not only stir things up, but to form new connections. At the end, only a few couples remain. The winning couple gets $50,000.
Do you think you have what it takes to be on Love Island? Or better yet, do you think you can find love on Love Island?