“Slime Away Your Stress”: Gaels play with slime as they get ready for finals

Phocredit Ellory Hankla

Slime can be grounding in times like these.

Ellory Hankla, Contributing Writer

The Gaels Activity Board (GAB) and the Iona Counseling Center hosted “Slime your Stress Away” as the first event of the university’s annual Stress-Free Week on Dec. 5. 

Dec. 5 at Iona University was hectic – the start of the final week of classes. Luckily, there are ways to combat end of term end jitters. During Stress-Free Week, students can enjoy many activities that calm the mind. One such activity is playing with slime. 

Slime has many benefits as it triggers calming signals to your brain. For example, it can help individuals pay attention to tasks. It can also serve as a grounding tool to relieve feelings of anxiety and provide comfort.  

The End Zone was full of glue, sparkles and, of course, glitter. Stations were set up where Gaels could make the slime their hearts desired. The event offered a variety of different colors and other fun add-ins to make everyone’s slime their own. Yellow, green, pink and purple hands soon emerged. At the end of the creative process, students could take their slime home.  

Sophomore Gabe Saul was one participant who enjoyed the event. 

“Slime is fun,” Saul said. “I enjoyed creating something that will distract me when I get stressed.” 

To add to relaxation, the event provided massage chairs and even had a place for students to get their nails done. 

“This event was so relaxing,” junior Shakinah Silverberg said. “I haven’t gotten my nails done in a while, so I was glad I had the opportunity, as well as to play with slime.”  

Lastly, as finals begin next week and stress is running at an all-time high, it is important to relax. If you cannot attend, please take care of yourself. Find time to do things you enjoy. Remember sometimes life can get a little messy.