Graphic created using Canva.com. Get an insight into the power of friendship in the college scene
Being a freshman in college can be a scary thing. The unknown is terrifying, and you are nervous about whether you will find people to be friends with or not. I was fortunate enough to find my people right away and they have stuck with me these past three years.
My friends and I all met at orientation and instantly clicked. We were all unsure about what to do since we had just gotten to school and weren’t familiar with each other. But, sure enough, the nerves didn’t last long, as we all started to hang out and knew that we would be okay.
I truly do not know what I would do without my friends. They help me through my hardest days and make my good days even better, they always know what to say. During our freshman year, we would do a lot of movie nights watching for example, Harry Potter or Mamma Mia, and just enjoy each other’s company. Having people like Kaeli, Emma, Cara, Kaitlyn, and Ava by my side truly made my freshman year experience so enjoyable.
During my sophomore year, we all lived together for the first time and that was a fun time. Getting to live with my closest friends was like a dream, few people can say they had the chance to do the same. It was so nice to be able to catch up with them every day and get a debrief on how everyone’s day was. Overall, it was just nice to have people I trusted and wanted to talk to so close to me.
Currently, living with them again has continued to be a fun time. I have had so many fun memories even from just random adventures that happen. Some of my favorite memories have been writing polls on our board outside our door because it brings our floor together and makes us laugh. We enjoy coming up with polls that are funny and are easy to interact with. A lot of my favorite memories are ones that are accidental but end up being such funny memories. My friends are funny, so laughing comes naturally to us all the time.
With my senior year starting soon, it will be bittersweet to know that I will not be able to see my friends all the time like I do now. We might not have the chance to all live together again, so I will soak up all the moments I have with those close to me. It is easy to be happy when I am surrounded by people I love.